Sunday, November 26, 2023

The process

 writing for me has always been therapeutic

i firmly believe as of late, that my writing has left me trapped

it has left me stuck

stuck in a world that is no longer my reality

a world that would spin me out of control consistently 

but yet it brought me comfort 

Comfort, to have the chaos

to still hold a sense of control

even though i had none

it brought about grief

rage & anger

it has not been helpful

it has in fact been detrimental

the only way out for me is to release

to release the anger & rage that i have stored in my body for so long

the feelings that compound in my mind that i have sworn will dissipate as i write

the problem, they haven't 

i have given them more power

more strength to live on in my mind

it's as if i am holding onto them 

it's time to let go

it's time to release

just how will that happen i am not sure 

by way of publishing this so called book would be the first step

my words out on paper, release from my very being and out into the world for someone to grasp onto as i once did

~a voice 

to speak the truth that it is okay to struggle

it is okay to hang on for 30 years 

it is okay to feel defeated and undone

it is okay for the results not to be as you were to have them

even though you did everything you were capable of

~the words 

that transpire onto pages that open my eyes to see 

that this life was not normal

while it was a beautiful one

it was filled with destruction

that created a division among souls

that suspended a battle that would never be won

that endured a life full of questions, broken promises 

and left us with no answers or closure

we will rise out of the suffering 

it will no longer define us

it will no longer have a pull or hold on us

it will no longer be the tie that binds

it was the unraveling of a perfect circle

that was never perfect to begin with

it spiraled out of control

the brokenness was made new by the unconditional love & strength of the very gifts that were given to me

Monday, November 20, 2023

The hold


The pull I feel

Terrifies me

The rage I feel

Spins me out of control

The hatred I feel

Squeezes my being 

I want to do something

Anything to make you see

People like me

We’re supposed to let go

We’re supposed to walk away & be healed

But yet we’re tormented

Tormented by the continuation of chaos

That inflicts the entire family

The emotions that bleeds out of every single one of them falls heavily on my shoulders & transpires into my bones 

Crushing me 

Suffocating me

Making you win

You bring me down with you

Not knowingly but subconsciously

How do I resist that

How do I climb out of that

The wise old advice of boundaries

No contact 

Healing, letting go

Is bullshit

You follow me like a shadow

You haunt me like a ghost

You’re alive & breathing heavily into my soul

Your presence spreads through me like fire


They say it will get better but somehow it comes back around

There is no exit strategy 

It’s a trap that seals your oxygen 

That cuts you off from the outside world

No one can grasp the depth of the madness

That lives in your bones

It’s trapped inside 

There are moments of escape

Those fleeting snippets are beautiful

But your reality smacks you back to the surface of your truth

You’ll carry this burden

It will prevent you from moving forward fully

It will destruct you in silent ways

It will keep you from others

It will sabotage new love

His plan all along

To hold you till you break

Till death do you part


Thursday, November 16, 2023

A my name is destruction


~A disease

What my dear is your definition of a disease

Where everyday you fight a battle

That wages war on your soul

Tears the skin off your bones where you are no longer recognizable


Where at some point you have a choice

Who are you???

A child who hasn’t learned right from wrong

An irresponsible fugitive that runs & flees from the responsibilities of life

~A disease

Where you have years or months or days to live

Where you have the love and support of your friends and family

A battle that you know will take your life NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO


Where you cheat death time & time again

How have you survived!!!!

Where you drag every person down with you…regardless of the support & love they’ve given you…

you destroy them by your so called disease…

A battle that should have you behind bars but yet somehow you keep sneaking through those pearly gates…

Chances, how many chances

Blessings, how many blessings

Lives, how many lives

Apparently yours are unlimited as you destruct ours…

My reality


My reality is crowded right now

No one tells you that after 30 years with one person that you will continue to process this for the rest of your life, even though it has left you completely

No one tells you that even though this was needed, you needed to walk away, that the battle that you would fight the most is completely within yourself 

That even though this is everything that you desire for a future, you are still hesitant, you still shield yourself from the heartbreak that may come along side of you one day 

Rather than relax, embrace & accept that this is what you need…You still feel that you don’t deserve any of it, that somehow, you are not worthy of love that you have desired for years

So you shield it.  You flee to the new but yet you come back to your own reality & you question everything again & again

Why is this, why do I feel alone in this, why do I feel like no one can fully understand the depths of the destruction that creates chaos & wreaks havoc on my mind…

Sunday, November 12, 2023



Tonight I write 

Today was rough

The unhealed holes in your soul have a way of finding the surface

They reel their ugly heads & thrive on clutching their claws deep inside of what you thought was patched up  

Words are spoken

So quietly you replay them & feel it wasn’t real

You question yourself all over again

Words are written

They scream & leap off the page & gouge your eyes till you’re bleeding inside

Fuckin twilight zone that once was clear but now forces its way back inside your depths 

The depths you fled & clawed yourself out of 

Oh he’s good

It’s evident how he fucks with your mind 

& still punctures your heart

Words scream

Words pierce

Words will flood your mind

& never end

Will you ever escape

Will you ever escape

  In the secret  in the quiet place I am here.  I am being forced to listen, but yet I am writing instead.  I want to hear what needs to be ...