Sunday, August 4, 2019

While the journey is long.....

It has been 80 days since my husband decided to surrender His will to God.  It has been 80 days since my husband decided to give in and let go.  It has been 80 days since my husband left our home for healing, true healing that man can not give, only God.  It has been 80 days since i got out of the way for the first and the last time.  It has been 80 days since God, My God, and only God saved my husband's life, our family and our marriage.  It has been 80 days since our lives have been turned upside down.  It has been 80 days of a journey that I have struggled to walk through yet God has shown me show much in this time. 

A journey is a long and difficult process of personal change and development.  Isn't that what life is about?  Yet we tend to fight it every step of the way.

this is our journey, this is my story, while it may be broken, it is beautiful, in a way that few will understand....


  i look Out i see the darkness i wonder what it would be like to just step out into that darkness to be weighted down in a different way to...