Friday, July 28, 2023

the spiral


a circle was meant for the beginning

a never ending rope melded together

a cord that should not easily be broken

we’re taught to trust

but yet who are we trusting

ourselves, each other

the spiral begins

the cord unraveling

yet one…holds on

hopefully each time

yet foolishly that cord twisted back together

but in reality, would soon unwind & take a different direction

his direction

it dissipated

which eventually disappeared

her direction

is transpiring

she’s finding her own way

her journey back to herself….

the walk…a mother’s perspective


why, i cry in dismay

were you there?

to pick up those broken pieces

to protect her at all costs….


why, i plead quietly 

will you be there this time?

to love her 

to be present

to help her navigate

when she questions everything…


why i scream in despair

you weren’t even there!

you failed her

not once

but often…


why, I question violently 

do you deserve this privilege?

you’ve abandoned her

so many times

you disappointed her



why, i pause to move forward

someone still believes in you

someone still sees the good in you

she is one of your many arrows

your arrow of continuous hope…


  i look Out i see the darkness i wonder what it would be like to just step out into that darkness to be weighted down in a different way to...