Sunday, December 15, 2019

No answers

I have no words, I have no answers...
I have been looking everywhere, except inside myself...
My heart is broken, but not for myself, for my children...
For what they have to endure & the thoughts & questions that they will have to live with regardless of the outcome...
I want to go into my bathroom and swallow every pill imaginable and go to sleep...
But i can't,  I have to be strong, for them 


  1. It's amazing how much we are willing to endure for our children.♡ It would be so much easier to give up.

    1. i honestly believe that God does give us people, situations, etc for a reason....this being one of them. The older kids are pretty sufficient and independent, but if it weren't for the littles that are still so dependent on me, I would be a hot disaster.


  In the secret  in the quiet place I am here.  I am being forced to listen, but yet I am writing instead.  I want to hear what needs to be ...