Saturday, June 24, 2023


This is me

Still intact but not fully put together

what should’ve been is no longer 

what could’ve been has been destroyed 

the hopes and dreams 

What once was so strong is no longer. 

It’s time for new dreams 

it’s time for a new foundation 

It’s time to rebuild 

the pieces will always be there

They will never fully detach 

the strength of that foundation is you 

it’s your choice what you do with it 

it’s your choice how you proceed 

do you tear it down 

do you rebuild? 

Do you pray that it can become some thing again 

or do you turn away and not look back 

the walls around you are no longer 

they’re the walls you used to protect yourself they have been stripped away 

burnt to a crisp 

You could say that what you put together & hoped would last forever couldn’t shield us. 

It’s not your fault.

I see a house 

I see a house that was once fully erect

I see a house that had life 

that had love 

that had Hope.

I see a house that had secrets. 

I see a house that had walls that crumbled down at the first hint of the smoke. 

I see a house that fought

 I see a house that battled 

But then I see a house that raged 

that rage let go and took over 

& tore through the whole foundation

that rage didn’t stop 

It just kept on burning.

It left reminders

A reminder that stands in front of me right now every day a reminder that I can no longer escape 

no matter how hard I try 

reminders that will be with me for the rest of my entire life 

whether I choose to let those reminders break me 

whether I choose to let those reminders help me 

to process through the destruction 

through the chaos 

through the heartbreak

through the anger 

through the rage 

through the bitterness

what will I choose?

From the front, you still see a foundation

from the front you still see life, but as you walk around & grasp it’s entirety 

you realize nothing is strong forever

Nothing is meant forever

Nothing lasts forever 

no matter how hard you fight 

no matter how hard you hold on

it can be gone in an instant.

& if you don’t get out when that first spark flies, it will destroy you 

It will destroy you & the entire contents of your soul

It will leave you unrecognizable

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