Wednesday, July 29, 2020

here i am

this, this had always been a source of peace for me
I've neglected it over time, a very long time at that....

It's ironic because it can relate this to the season i am walking through
I have neglected myself, for a very long time....

I was always challenged growing up playing the piano
I had to practice and study for hours, it didn't just flow out of me....

I remember my senior year of high school, Leif, an exchange student, lived next door to me.  He would come over, sit down and just play.  The music that flowed out of  those hands and his soul was a gift.

The year after I had Kiara, (22 years ago) i had the opportunity to be on the worship team at church, I played the keyboard.  I was introduced to chords.  This made a significant difference for me versus reading "notes."  Years after four kids in tow, I was able to be part of the worship team & had the opportunity to sing, which was my original passion.  That year was a tumultuous one for our family.  

A few months later the kids and I moved back to Indiana for a season and again, music found me.  I was welcomed to the worship team and played the keyboard.  During that season of my life, music healed my soul.  It connected me to a deeper spiritual level with a relationship with Jesus.  My dependence was found in Him and not man.  

Needless to say my dependence drifted and I began to rely on my own strength and let that dependence fall in the wrong hands....

There is a sense of release & freedom in playing notes on a piano/keyboard and singing with all your heart
There is a deeper connection that rests in my soul and i feel heard

i found myself back at "this place" tonight.  The rickety old piano that needs tuned, that has been around for longer than i can remember.  The object that began as a tool for learning became a need for surviving.  

For such a time as this....

"Here I am 
Once again

In the safety of this place
I pour out my heart to say that I love You
pour out my heart to say that I need You..."

Sunday, July 26, 2020


I have the hardest time sitting still
embracing the noise

I fill my pain with motion
with constant going, going, going

I don't stop long enough to feel the feelings
to own the mess

I reflect back to the movie Frozen
"What are you so AFRAID of?!?!"

I'm afraid of the answers
i'm terrified of how I really feel

in the depths of my soul
the silence that no one knows about...

Saturday, July 25, 2020


Alcoholism destroys families. 
Once it hits, there is no escape

Whether you are the alcoholic or the family of an alcoholic
the disease will find you

I just finished the book, Guts by Kristen Johnston.  You might remember her, the gal from 3rd Rock from the Sun.  My husband told me about it months ago.  I researched it and the local library special ordered it for me.  She was a former drug addict & an alcoholic.  It's not for the squeamish, but definitely a decent memoir.  I had, and have a tendency to find out as much as I could about alcoholism.  I began a few years back when I finally acknowledged the problem and stopped covering.  I myself am not an alcoholic.  

I honestly understand more now than ever about this disease.  It still baffles me and I still have many questions.  It still makes me extremely angry but yet breaks my heart at the same time.  If you have walked through this, you may understand.  

I have learned, not necessarily applied, that the focus needs to be off of the alcoholic and on myself to move forward.  You cannot change it, you cannot cure it & you most definitely did not cause it.  The latter being my biggest struggle as of late....

The reason i am writing tonight is because the very last chapter punched me right in the gut.  Now understand I am not a mousy wife who did everything my husband told me to do....but I willingly "followed" him, complied and let my emotions be dictated by him, without him willing knowing that or causing that.  This was all on me, this was my disease, my addiction to him.  

        "Kristen, why don't you stop worrying about how everyone else feels about you and start concentrating on yourself?  How do you feel about people?  How do you feel about situations?  Because right now all I see is someone who doesn't  have a clue as to who she really is or what she really wants....isn't it time you learned how to see yourself through your own eyes instead of everyone else's? "

Ouch, just ouch....go ahead and insert my name.....

Friday, July 24, 2020

not yet

when you're overwhelmed you try
try to retrain your mind to think on it's own

you believe that you are strong
but yet you feel so incredibly weak

impossible seems doable
possible seems far fetched

i will rise up
i will beat this darkness

but i'm not ready
maybe that's the sickness we inherit

Thursday, July 23, 2020


How do u sleep at night?
Do you just forget it all?

Do you just erase it from your mind? 
Is it that simple for you

Do you ever wonder why you precede to hurt her again and again
But yet she stays and she stayed through it all

She’s stuck to you like glue because she knew your true worth
She knew your true value

She knows who you are and who you can be
She digs deep and holds on regardless of how tumultuous it might be

She didn't walk away
She took her vows, and still does, seriously

She created boundaries based on instruction from you and a trusted adult
But yet when she stood up for herself she was slammed to the ground

She swirls around like the wind
She’s afraid and can’t see her worth

Her worth has lied in you for all these years
How do you throw out someone, whom you love and profess to love so deeply as a soulmate, how and why would you throw her away?

You want her to be strong, to stand on her own two feet 
But yet when she makes that decision you tear her down and break her wide open

She comes back to you every time, when you know full well she’s worth far more than that, but yet you slam her back into that wall again and again

For what?  For what purpose do you choose to break your soulmate? 
You willingly let her go and feed her to the wolves

She stood by you for over half of your life
She loved you, supported you, believed in you, when no one else would, especially yourself

But yet she has to earn your love, she has to earn back your approval because you are something
Because you deserve it

At what cost is enough, enough
At what point do you continue to destroy a family that is not meant to be destroyed

Built on a rock, a foundation, a true testimony at times, but yet you want to let the walls crumble

Due to your own demise, guilt & shame

Rather than stepping back and taking a deep breath, your own advice of backing off

There’s a lot at stake to just willingly let the pieces fall

  In the secret  in the quiet place I am here.  I am being forced to listen, but yet I am writing instead.  I want to hear what needs to be ...