~he was my jesus
he was going to save us
it was all up to him
i fought regardless
i pushed through the unbelievable chaos
it was out of my hands yet I foolishly kept holding on
he represented hope
we were going to be a testimony, finally
we were an ongoing testament of God’s great plan, after all Jeremiah 29:11, it was exhausting
every few years we fought a new battle
& we overcame
he was so blinded
i was just stupid
you were easily fooled
that representation of “jesus”
lied to me
abandoned me, time & time again
he kept going under
i have tried to find my way back
i have fought & fought those demons
sometimes there just isn’t a way out….
~I write this because it’s my truth right now. I reflected back on my blog entries & noticed similar feelings over the years at this time. I speak this out loud because while I continuously feel alone in this endeavor I know there are others. There are others who feel like there is no end in sight. There is no hope. Yes, you still move forward, you still keep living but inside your whole being is screaming. If anything just know you’re not alone & don’t be afraid to speak your truth. Someone once told me the more you speak it out, the less grip it has on you.